Lessons from Elijah | Faith and Action in 1 Kings 17

God’s Calling: My Journey from Texas to Wisconsin and Lessons from Elijah

In April 2021, I began feeling God’s call to leave Texas and move to Wisconsin. At first, I prayed and waited for confirmation, and God answered in unexpected ways. I started having dreams about Wisconsin—dreams that came true. Then, God sent a woman into my life who lived in Wisconsin, making the decision to leave Texas a bit easier. However, it wasn’t without challenges.

Years ago, a pastor gave me advice that stuck with me: “Never leave a place unless you have a job.” This advice guided me when I was 19 and thought God was calling me to New Jersey. Ironically, I did make it to New Jersey—on a short layover while in the military. God has a sense of humor, doesn’t He?

This time, I made it to Wisconsin. On my first day, I had a place to live, a wonderful woman by my side, and a management position at Dollar General. While managing a retail store wasn’t my dream job, it aligned with my skills and experience. I lived in a cabin owned by my then-girlfriend’s father, tucked away in the Northwoods. Although I had once dreamed of living in a secluded cabin, the reality of isolation hit hard. The loneliness was overwhelming, and I found myself driving hours south to sit in a Starbucks just to be around people.

I reached a breaking point and started packing to return to Texas. But then, something extraordinary happened.

Elijah’s Story and God’s Guidance

As I prepared to leave, the story of Elijah kept coming to mind. Dr. David Jeremiah had preached about Elijah, and on the very day I planned to leave, two church leaders—one in Texas and one in Wisconsin—told me the same story about Elijah. These leaders didn’t know each other, yet their message was identical: stay in Wisconsin and wait to see why God called you here.

One of those leaders was my ex-girlfriend’s father, who surprisingly urged me to stay, even though most fathers would want their daughter’s ex-boyfriend gone. The other was a mentor who guided me when I first became a Christian. Their words convinced me to stay a little longer and seek God’s purpose for bringing me here.

I turned to the Bible and began studying the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 17. God’s instructions to Elijah were simple at first—He sent Elijah to the brook Cherith, where ravens provided food and water. This was necessary because Elijah had declared a drought in Israel as judgment for King Ahab’s wickedness.

1 Kings 16:30 says, “Ahab...did evil in the sight of the LORD, more than all who were before him.” Ahab’s actions brought judgment not only on himself but on the entire nation. This reminds us of the importance of electing leaders who honor God, as their decisions can impact an entire nation.

Faith and Action: The Widow of Zarephath

Later, God instructed Elijah to go to Zarephath, where a widow would provide for him. When Elijah arrived, the widow explained she barely had enough food for herself and her son. Yet, Elijah told her to have faith and make him food first, promising that her oil and flour would not run out until the drought ended. Out of faith, the widow obeyed, and just as Elijah said, her supplies never ran dry.

This story highlights two key lessons:

  1. God Provides in Unexpected Ways: At the brook, God used ravens to meet Elijah’s needs without any effort on his part.
  2. Faith Requires Action: At Zarephath, Elijah had to step out in faith, claim God’s promise, and involve the widow in the process.

What Has God Promised You?

Sometimes, God fulfills His promises without requiring much from us. Other times, He calls us to take action and participate in His plan. For example, I believe God has promised me a wife, so I’m taking steps—like going on dates and using dating apps—to open those doors.

What about you? Has God made a promise to you? Like Elijah, we need to trust God’s promises and take action when He calls us to. As 1 Kings 17:8-16 shows, faith isn’t passive—it’s active.


My journey to Wisconsin has been filled with challenges, lessons, and moments of faith. Like Elijah, I’ve learned that God’s plans often require trust and action. Whether He’s providing through ravens or calling us to step out in faith, God always has a purpose for His promises.

If you’re waiting on God’s promises, ask yourself: What is He calling me to do? And remember, sometimes the journey is just as important as the destination.